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Wielkopolska National Park 

Wielkopolska is one of the regions of our country that are the most intensively economically exploited . As a result of human activity, its nature has been greatly transformed. However, also here, right on the border of Poznań, a fragment of the Wielkopolska Lake District has been preserved in such a good condition that it turned out to be worthy of being raised to the status of a national park. The Wielkopolska National Park was established in 1957. Its mission is to protect the landscape shaped by the continental glacier which reached Poland from Scandinavia tens of thousands of years ago. It withdrew leaving behind backs and hills of moraines, kemes, eskers and drumlins. Traces of the continental ice sheet also include numerous erratic boulders and longitudinal furrows, the so-called troughs, which filled up with water. Today, postglacial lakes, hidden among well-preserved forests, are a real ornament of the Park. Eighteen strict protection areas established in the Park care for various forms of the postglacial landscape and the most natural plant communities, as well as related animals.

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The heraldic animal of the Wielkopolska National Park is the tawny owl (Strix aluco) which reigns in old stands at night, but is not afraid of living near human settlements. Although this bird is the most abundant owl in Europe, it is a strictly protected animal species. Thanks to the special shape of feathers, called flight feathers, it moves almost noiselessly and mainly at night, which makes it difficult to spot. It enjoys sitting at the entry to its hollow and basking in the rays of the sun. Reaching the size of 38-45 cm and a wingspan sometimes exceeding one meter, it is much larger than the city pigeon. Its feeds mainly on small rodents, but it does not despise small birds or insects. Even though it does not shun people or mind our presence, this bird can fiercely defend its property, especially during the breeding season. The tawny owl frightened many observers and photographers by the so-called simulated attacks. What’s worth noting is that tawny owls are definitely resident birds. One bird may live in one area for several years and protect it from other tawny owls.

What’s worth visiting?

Jeziory, 62-050 Mosina
+48 61 89 82 323

Monday - Friday: 7 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Sunday: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. (March - October)              

PLN 10/PLN 5
PLN 3 - with the Large Family Card
Jeziory, 62-050 Mosina
+48 61 89 82 321
Monday - Friday: 7 a.m. - 3 p.m.
52°16'07.7”N, 16°47'49.6”E
52.268806, 16.797111
52°14'47.0”N, 16°49'21.4”E
52.246389, 16.822611
52°15'04.3”N, 16°48'45.4”E
52.251194, 16.812611
52°16'30.7”N, 16°48'41.8”E
52.275194, 16.811611
52°15'20.5”N, 16°49'55.6”E
52.255694, 16.832111

Prof. Adam Wodziczko trail

Osowa Góra - L. Kociołek - L. Skrzynka - L. Góreckie - Osowa Góra
9.5 km

The trail we will follow was named after a botanist – the initiator of establishing the WNP. We start at the tourist place of rest in Osowa Góra (blue signs), near the highest morainal hill in the Park – Osowa Góra. A boulder commemorating Count Zamoyski, which was a gift from the Tatra National Park, was placed by the road in 1994. Passing it, we go down to the nature monument: large-leaved linden, with the Napoleon’s Well under it (according to legend, Napoleon stopped here before his expedition to Moscow). Going further, Morena Krosińska with Góra Staszica come into our view. Then, we reach Lake Kociołek which is under strict protection. Walking around it along the left side (note: follow the red signs now), we reach the edge of the vast Piskorzewo Meadows. We go past wet hollows – Sarnie Doły – former mid-forest lakes which, after becoming shallow and overgrown, turned into peat bogs. Behind the forester’s lodge in the “Górka” protection district, we turn left. Among the osier clumps, we reach Lake Skrzynka – the smallest and only dystrophic lake in the Park, under strict protection, and further Lake Góreckie. Due to the landscape values and interesting flora and fauna, it is also under strict protection. Then, we reach the border of Prof. Wodziczko “Grabina” strict protection area. The character of the oak-hornbeam forest covering it is close to the natural one. Before “Grabina,” we turn right and, following blue signs, return to the starting point.